Welcome, Ascenders!
We have heard your pleas for brand merchandise, and we listened. We are so glad you’re here and we are proud that we have been able to finally make your dreams into a reality with this merchandise site.
Our job is to ensure you are fully equipped with all the tools necessary to continue taking our brand to new heights. We launched this store so that you can shop our Ascendion gear with ease: We want you to wear and use our products on that plane to meet your clients, in the office building where you share space with some of the largest names in our industry, and even on your teams meetings where you are pushing our services and all that we do. We want you to have every opportunity to view our catalog and purchase whichever items you feel will help you better tell our story.
Be on the lookout, since we plan to have new drops each season with fresh, cutting-edge designs, incentivizing all of you to be a frequent shopper and ensuring we are growing and evolving with the brand itself.